Comet C2013R1 (Lovejoy)


    12" ASA - LRGB

12" ASA - Mean combine w. Poisson Sigma clipping - LRGB

    Size: 2000 px Size: 2000 px    
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© Velimir Popov & Emil Ivanov 2013
The comet C2013R1 (Lovejoy) was discovered on September 9th 2013 by the Australian hobby astronomer Terry Lovejoy. At the time of discovery the 14 mag comet was in the constellation of Monoceros near to the border with Orion. Here the comet is photographed on the night of November 25th between 04:00 and 06:00 LT ( 01:00 – 03:00 UT). 2 x 2min LRGB exposures guided on the comet's nuclei (using the comet tracking capability of the ASA DDM 85 mount). At the right bottom is the tiny spiral galaxy NGC 5023. Other information can be found in the object's details table below. 


Object details:

Right Ascension 13:13:02 (h:m:s)
Declination +43:21:00 (deg:m:s)
Magnitude 7.2 m
Distance 0.80 (AU)
Apparent Dimension - (arc min)

Image details:


Center of field RA 13:13:02 (h:m:s)
Center of field DE +43:21:00 (deg:m:s)
Size 1.67 x 1.2 (deg)
Pixel scale: 1.6 (arcsec/pixel)
Orientation: Up is -85.8 degrees E of N
Charts and image details obtained from
Optic(s): ASA 12" Astrograph @ f/3.6 (Newton)
Mount: ASA DDM85 Standard
Camera: SBIG STL 11000 M
Filters: Red, Green, Blue, Astronomik filters
Dates/Times: 8.11.2013
Location: IRIDA Observatory, BG, longitude: E 24 44' 18", latitude: N 41 41' 42"
Exp. Details: L:2x2 min; R:2x2 min, G:2x2 min, B:2x2 min Bin 1,
More details: Dark frames reduction
Processing: PixInsight / PS
Copyright: Velimir Popov and Emil Ivanov 2013. All Rights Reserved
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