Comet C/2015 V2 (Johnson) on 27.03.2017

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© Velimir Popov & Emil Ivanov 2018

C/2015 V2 (Johnson) was discovered on 3 November 2015 by Jess Johnson (Catalina Sky Survey), using a 0.68-meter Schmidt–Cassegrain telescope. At the time of discovery the comet had an apparent magnitude of 17.1. Its incoming orbit had a Semimajor Axis of 59,200 AU, but after crossing its perihelion the orbit will become hyperbolic with an eccentricity of 1.0009, thus C/2015 V2 will leave the Solar System. This image shows the comet on the night of March 27th 2017 at 0:20 a.m. UT.

Image details:


Center of field RA 16:31:42 (h:m:s)
Center of field DE +47:34:57 (deg:m:s)
Size 1.73 x 1.15 (deg)
Pixel scale: 2.99 (arcsec/pixel)
Orientation: Up is 255 degrees E of N
Charts and image details obtained from
Optic(s): ASA 12" Astrograph @ f/3.6 (Newton)
Mount: ASA DDM85 Standard
Camera: SBIG STL 11000 M
Filters: Luminance, Red, Green, Blue, Astronomik filters
Dates/Times: 27. Mar. 2017 / 00:20 - 02:10 UT
Location: IRIDA Observatory, BG, longitude: E 24 44' 18", latitude: N 41 41' 42"
Exp. Details: L: 3x2, R:3x2 min, G:3x2 min, B:3x2 min, Bin 2, Total Exposure Time - 24 min.
More details: Dark and flat frames reduction
Processing: PixInsight / PS
Copyright: Velimir Popov and Emil Ivanov 2013 - 2018. All Rights Reserved
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