M 80 - Globular cluster in Ophiuhus

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© Velimir Popov & Emil Ivanov 2013

M 80 (also known as Messier 80 or NGC 6093) is a globular cluster in the constellation Scorpius. It was discovered by Charles Messier in 1781. M80 is located midway between α Scorpii (Antares) and β Scorpii in a field in the Milky Way that is rich in nebulae. It can be viewed with modest amateur telescopes as a mottled ball of light. With an apparent diameter of about 10' and at an estimated distance of 32,600 light-years, M80's spatial diameter is about 95 light-years. It contains several hundred thousand stars, and is among the more densely populated globular clusters in the Milky Way Galaxy.

Object details

Right Ascension 16:17:02 (h:m:s)
Declination -22:58:34 (deg:m:s)
Distance ~ 32.6 (kly)
Apparent Dimension 10 (arc min)


Image details


Center of field RA 16:17:01 (h:m:s)
Center of field DE -22:58:37 (deg:m:s)
Size 47.9 x 38.3 (arcmin)
Pixel scale: 1.03 (arcsec/pixel)
Orientation: Up is 177 degrees E of N
Charts and image details obtained from Astrometry.net
Optic(s): ASA 12" f 3,6 Astrograph (ASA)
Mount: ASA DDM85
Camera: FLI MicroLine 8300 CCD camera
Filters: Luminance, Red, Green, Blue, Astrodon filters
Dates/Times: 16 May 2013
Location: Namibia-TIVOLI ASTROFARM, S 23° 27' 40,9" / E 18° 01' 02,2"
Exp. Details: R:5x1 min, G:5x1 min, B:5x1 min, Total Exposure Time - 15 min
More details: Dark and flat frames reduction
Processing: PixInsight / PS
Copyright: Velimir Popov and Emil Ivanov 2013. All Rights Reserved
e-mail: info@irida-observatory.org
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