NSVS 3640326 (And) - eclipsing binary star (W UMA type)


Light curve solutions of six short-period binaries and peculiarities of two of them, NSVS 3640326 and V1007 Cas

D.Kjurkchieva, V.Popov, N.Petrov and E. Ivanov

NSVS 3640326

Other designations: 2MASS J00041423+4318037; UCAC4 667-000323; GSC 02793-01463, TYC 2793-1463-1

Reference CCD frame with the callibration stars

Phase plot: CCD observations

Date: 2014-10-12, 2014-10-13, 2014-10-19

Light curve solution - PHOEBE

3D model of the binary star


Star name NSVS 3640326
RA 00 04 14.22
Dec  +43 18 03.4
Epoch 245+ 6944.30500
Period, (d) 0.311290
q - mass ratio 0.411
T1 , (K) - stelar tmperature 5600
T2 , (K) - stelar tmperature 5429
D, (pc) - distance in parsecs 315.6
D, (ly) - distance in light years 1 029.50
M1bol - bolometric stellar magnitude 4.696
M2bol - bolometric stellar magnitude 5.574
L1bol - absolute blometric luminosity 1.056
L2bol - absolute blometric luminosity 0.47
a, (R⊙) - orbital separation in solar radii 2.208
R1 , (R⊙) -  the absolute stellar radii (in solar radii) 1.102
R2 , (R⊙) -  the absolute stellar radii (in solar radii) 0.768
M1, (M⊙) - the individual mass (in solar masses) 1.055
M2, (M⊙) - the individual mass (in solar masses) 0.433
g1 , the surface gravity (m s-2) 238.1
g1 , the surface gravity (m s-2) 201.2
ρ1 , the densities of the component (g cm-3) 1.112
ρ2 , the densities of the component (g cm-3) 1.348
Copyright: Velimir Popov and Emil Ivanov 2014. All Rights Reserved
e-mail: info@irida-observatory.org
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