NSVS 691550 (Cam) - eclipsing binary star (W UMA type)


Observations and light curve solutions of the eclipsing stars CSS J075205.6+381909 and NSVS 691550

D. Kjurkchieva, V. Popov, D. Vasileva, Y. Eneva, S. Ibryamov


NSVS 691550 (Cam)

Other designations: GSC 04377-00482; 2MASS J08084018+7029249; UCAC4-803-018822; TYC 4377-482-1

Reference CCD frame with the callibration stars

Light curve solution - PHOEBE

3D model of the binary

Copyright: Velimir Popov and Emil Ivanov 2017. All Rights Reserved
e-mail: info@irida-observatory.org
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